intelligence at
your hand

We provide a suite of environmental and surveillance coastal solutions powered by AI.

Who is it for?

We make the blue economy sustainable and transparent

Our AI-driven innovations help the cruisings industry minimize environmental risks and promote safer, more eco-friendly journeys. Both cruise lines and port operators can benefit from our SeaCras app.

Who is it for?

We make the blue economy sustainable and transparent

Using our tools, easily demonstrate your efforts and dedication to preserve the marine environment.

Who is it for?

We make the blue economy sustainable and transparent

Monitor your operational coastline like port area, and detect any source of the pollution in your or nearby areas, both static or dynamic.

Who is it for?

We make the blue economy sustainable and transparent

High spatial resolution and sub-daily monitoring, coupled with archived data, unveil the baseline of your marine environment and forecast future changes, standardised in both ESRS and GRI.

Who is it for?

We make the blue economy sustainable and transparent

Understanding the sea in the digital format. Dive into physical and biochemical parameters of regional seas and different water bodies in a transparent and trusted way!

Deriving Coastal Intelligence Data

key marine metrics

Global and continuous 
data delivery

Most affordable on the market

Our Products

Integrated surveillance and marine environmental monitoring

Integrated surveillance and marine environmental monitoring

Pollution Detection and Oceanography Solutions for Territorial Waters

Seacras app

ESG for marine monitoring & reporting

ESG for marine monitoring & reporting

Pollution Detection and Oceanography Solutions for Territorial Waters

Pollution Detection and Oceanography Solutions for Territorial Waters

Marine Science & Sustainability Consultancy

Marine Science & Sustainability Consultancy


C3 Climate Accelerator: SeaCras Included in the 2025 Edition

C3 Climate Accelerator: SeaCras Included in the 2025 Edition

SeaCras is in the 2025 edition of Climate Accelerator, run by C3 — Companies Creating Change from Dubai, thanks to our achievements in the sector of climate security of coastal regions! What does this global programme do exactly? The Climate Accelerator It's designed...

SeaCras Joins PREVENT Project to Safeguard Adriatic-Ionian Ecosystems

SeaCras Joins PREVENT Project to Safeguard Adriatic-Ionian Ecosystems

SeaCras is one of the consortium of partners that are conducting the Pollution Reduction and Early-warning for Vulnerable Ecosystem in Adriatic-lonian Territories — PREVENT project, funded by the European Commission’s IPA ADRION 419.This project, with Politecnico di...

Awards and Recognitions


Supported by

Urban mobility
blue invest
hamag bicro
hamag bicro
hamag bicro