intelligence at
your hand
Deriving Coastal Intelligence Data
key marine metrics
Global and continuous 
data delivery
Most affordable on the market
Our Products
Integrated surveillance and marine environmental monitoring
Seacras app
ESG for marine monitoring & reporting
Pollution Detection and Oceanography Solutions for Territorial Waters
Marine Science & Sustainability Consultancy
C3 Climate Accelerator: SeaCras Included in the 2025 Edition
SeaCras is in the 2025 edition of Climate Accelerator, run by C3 — Companies Creating Change from Dubai, thanks to our achievements in the sector of climate security of coastal regions! What does this global programme do exactly? The Climate Accelerator It's designed...
Oil Spill and Marine Pollution Detection Using Multi-Payload Satellite Systems and AI Processing
In September 2024, we successfully finalized our project, Satellite Radar and Optical Oil Pollution Detection and Monitoring (E! 2,448: Sar2dem), funded by Eurostars, the Eureka Network, and Horizon Europe.The R&D project lasted 18 months, with the goal of...
SeaCras Joins PREVENT Project to Safeguard Adriatic-Ionian Ecosystems
SeaCras is one of the consortium of partners that are conducting the Pollution Reduction and Early-warning for Vulnerable Ecosystem in Adriatic-lonian Territories — PREVENT project, funded by the European Commission’s IPA ADRION 419.This project, with Politecnico di...