Digital Innovation HUB Innovamare and SeaCras Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement for Innovative and Sustainable Monitoring of the Adriatic Sea

SeaCras and DIH Innovamare, in cooperation with leading scientific and research institutions, are working to create the first strategic technological partnership in the Adriatic – at the same time, one of the first of its kind in the world based on the uniqueness of the integrated approach. This project is focused on large-scale marine monitoring and conservation, and includes state-of-the-art technologies and is open to cooperation with all interested parties.

At the heart of this strategic partnership is the development of “Marine Monitoring 5.0” – an advanced system that combines extensive data collection (the so-called Big Data approach), artificial intelligence for their sophisticated interpretation and precise assessments of future trends.

The strategic partnership is created for the integration of several types of advanced solutions, such as satellite surveillance, surface robotic vessels, smart buoys, ecological sampling and the creation of predictive models as a powerful set of technological tools for preserving the marine environment with low greenhouse gas emissions.

This cooperation will enable numerous end-users to provide solutions for a wide range of challenges – through one call or inquiry, ranging from monitoring of sudden pollution to analysis of marine biochemistry, including detection of metals and other types of impacts at the sea.

Together, we aim to leverage our strengths, drive innovation, and create value for our members! Together, we aim to leverage our strengths, drive innovation, and create value for our members! This is the call to action – transparency and sustainability is a must.